Table of 1

Table of 1 is given here to help those kids who are just beginning to learn about times tables.

Table of 1 :

1 × 11
1 × 22
1 × 33
1 × 44
1 × 55
1 × 66
1 × 77
1 × 88
1 × 99
1 × 1010
1 × 1111
1 × 1212
1 × 1313
1 × 1414
1 × 1515
1 × 1616
1 × 1717
1 × 1818
1 × 1919
1 × 2020
1 × 2121
1 × 2222
1 × 2323
1 × 2424
1 × 2525
1 × 2626
1 × 2727
1 × 2828
1 × 2929
1 × 3030
1 × 3131
1 × 3232
1 × 3333
1 × 3434
1 × 3535
1 × 3636
1 × 3737
1 × 3838
1 × 3939
1 × 4040
1 × 4141
1 × 4242
1 × 4343
1 × 4444
1 × 4545
1 × 4646
1 × 4747
1 × 4848
1 × 4949
1 × 5050
1 × 5151
1 × 5252
1 × 5353
1 × 5454
1 × 5555
1 × 5656
1 × 5757
1 × 5858
1 × 5959
1 × 6060
1 × 6161
1 × 6262
1 × 6363
1 × 6464
1 × 6565
1 × 6666
1 × 6767
1 × 6868
1 × 6969
1 × 7070
1 × 7171
1 × 7272
1 × 7373
1 × 7474
1 × 7575
1 × 7676
1 × 7777
1 × 7878
1 × 7979
1 × 8080
1 × 8181
1 × 8282
1 × 8383
1 × 8484
1 × 8585
1 × 8686
1 × 8787
1 × 8888
1 × 8989
1 × 9090
1 × 9191
1 × 9292
1 × 9393
1 × 9494
1 × 9595
1 × 9696
1 × 9797
1 × 9898
1 × 9999
1 × 100100

Solved Examples

A shop sells 1 chocolate every hour. How many chocolates will the shop sell in 24 hours?
The shop sells 1 chocolate per hour. Using the table of 1, the total chocolates sold in 24 hours are 1 × 24 = 24 chocolates.

A farmer plants 1 tree every day. How many trees will he plant in 30 days?
The farmer plants 1 tree each day. Using the table of 1, the total trees planted in 30 days are 1 × 30 = 30 trees.

A teacher grades 1 assignment every hour. How many assignments will she grade in 10 hours?
The teacher grades 1 assignment per hour. Using the table of 1, the total assignments graded in 10 hours are 1 × 10 = 10 assignments.

A baker bakes 1 loaf of bread every hour. How many loaves will he bake in 15 hours?
The baker bakes 1 loaf per hour. Using the table of 1, the total loaves baked in 15 hours are 1 × 15 = 15 loaves.

A student solves 1 math problem every 5 minutes. How many problems will the student solve in 60 minutes?
The student solves 1 problem every 5 minutes. Using the table of 1, the total problems solved in 60 minutes are 1 × 12 = 12 problems.

A driver fills 1 liter of fuel into a car per minute. How much fuel will be filled in 20 minutes?
The driver fills 1 liter per minute. Using the table of 1, the total fuel filled in 20 minutes is 1 × 20 = 20 liters.

A worker builds 1 brick wall every day. How many walls will he build in 7 days?
The worker builds 1 wall per day. Using the table of 1, the total walls built in 7 days are 1 × 7 = 7 walls.

A painter paints 1 room every 2 days. How many rooms will he paint in 14 days?
The painter paints 1 room every 2 days. Using the table of 1, the total rooms painted in 14 days are 1 × 7 = 7 rooms.

A typist types 1 page every 10 minutes. How many pages will the typist complete in 50 minutes?
The typist types 1 page every 10 minutes. Using the table of 1, the total pages typed in 50 minutes are 1 × 5 = 5 pages.

A man walks 1 kilometer every hour. How many kilometers will he walk in 8 hours?
The man walks 1 kilometer per hour. Using the table of 1, the total distance walked in 8 hours is 1 × 8 = 8 kilometers.

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